News from Monte Mar Bowls Club…

Brought to you by Gran Alacant´s Website – Dedicated to Gran Alacant

Winning team of 4321: Dave Melville, Bill Young, Jan Gatward, Mike Farrelly and Les Bounds

2nd December 2017

Our annual 4321 competition was held on Saturday 2nd December. This was as usual, a very well organised competition enjoyed by everyone involved. Each team of five bowlers played a game of pairs and trips in the morning then singles and rinks in the afternoon. Congratulations to the winning team of Dave Melville, Bill Young, Jan Gatward and Les Bounds.

17th December 2017

Instead of the monthly Chicken Chase we held a Xmas Turkey Chase. It was well attended with everyone dressed in something referring to Xmas. After a very enjoyable mornings bowling played in lovely sunshine, we all enjoyed a drink then Chris Harding presented the winners. The turkeys were donated by Jan and Mick Soars, eggs by Joan and Chris Harding and wine by Alan Wilkinson. Jan Gatward and Mick Soars were the winners. With the money raised we have purchased new mats and rink numbers.

January 2018

On Saturday 6th January as our first meeting of the new year we staged our annual Fun Day challenge. After meeting and enjoying coffee and cakes at Lounge D, more than thirty members took part in the challenge. The challenge involved scoring goals, target shooting, short mat bowling and more. Following two hours of bowling we returned to Lounge D for the presentation. Ron Jones won the event with a score of 22 points which was even more impressive as Ron only returned to Spain that morning. Second place was John Hunt with a very creditable 15 points. After the presentation club members went to the Belfry Restaurant where we had a very enjoyable buffet. Our thanks go to the Lounge D and the Belfry for helping to make it such a successful day.

9th January 2018

Fed Fours Monte Mar Lords v San Miguel Apaches

At home to San Miguel Apaches the game was very close with two rinks losing by three shots. Well done to the winning team of Dave Roberts, Joe Ridley, Val Hignett and skip Dianne Ridley.

Shots Lords 48 – 51 Apaches
Points Lords 2 – 6 Apaches

10th January 2018

Winter League Monte Mar v Bonalba

We played our first game after the Xmas break at home to our friends from Bonalba. Winning on three rinks well done to Sheila Roberts, John Hunt, Mick Soars and skip Bill Young. Ronnie Cairns, Mike Farrelly, June Young and skip Dave melville. Jan Soars, Bill Judd, Val Hignett and skip Rod Chamerline. After the match we enjoyed a lovely meal at the Belfry.

Shots Monte Mar 83 – 71 Bonalba
Points Monte Mar 8 – 4 Bonalba

16th January 2018

Fed Fours Monte Mar Lords v La Siesta Parakeets

Away to La Siesta Parakeets the game seemed to be ebbing away until we picked up eight shots in one end over the three rinks. Unfortunately we couldn’t maintain the winning sequence and went down by eleven shots overall. Well done to the winning rink of Sheila Roberts, Dave Roberts, Val Hignett and skip Dave Eades.

Shots Lords 40 – 51 Parakeets
Points Lords 2 – 6 Parakeets

Photos provided by Monte Mar Bowls