Maximum 4 hours parking in Arenales del Sol (South) Elche Council have implemented a controlled parking area in the south area of Arenales del Sol to favor rotation and expand the travel tim... Read more
Emergencies 112
Firebrigade 085
Guardia Civil 062 /
965 41 11 03
Local Police 092 /
Urbaser Watsapp /
686 80 13 23
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FOR RENT – Commercial Property, Novamar VI, Avenida Polonia, OPPORTUNITY
FOR RENT – Town House, Spacious Family 3 Bed 2 Bath, Novamar III, Avda Noruega
Carrer de Xipre Photos: 20Jul21
C. Canarias Photos: 10Jul21
Iconic Photos: 10Jul21
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Carrer de Xipre Photos: 14Jun21
Taxi - 965 411 111
Circular Bus (Line 15)
Tourist Train
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