Electoral Census, 8th until 14th April 2019

Brought to you by Gran Alacant´s Website – Dedicated to Gran Alacant

Town Halll, Ground floor 09.00h to 14.00h

From the 8th April until 15th of April, in the Santa Pola council building to all those that are interested will be able to check if they appear in the electoral census. This check will be on the ground floor of the Town Halll, from 09.00h to 14.00h. It is essential to go with your DNI, since otherwise it will not be possible to verify if it appears or not in said census.

The Town Hall remind you that if you have not registered in Santa Pola before the 31st January, you will not be able to vote.

Desde el 8 hasta el 15 de abril, en el consistorio todos aquellos interesados podrán comprobar si figuran en el censo electoral. Está comprobación será en la planta baja del Ayuntamiento, en horario de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Es imprescindible acudir con el DNI, ya que de otra forma no se podrá comprobar si se figura o no en dicho censo.

Recordamos que si no os habéis empadronado en Santa Pola antes del 31 de enero no podréis votar.

Santa Pola Council Building

8th April until 15th of April 2019

09.00h to 14.00h

Find it here




TELF: 96.541.11.00